A Guide To Publish Applications On Different Stores
Are you looking forward to submitting your mobile application on various app stores but want to know how much it will cost? If so, you have found your answers, as we will help you figure out the cost of uploading an app on app store and play store.
In this generation of technology, every field of life can be made to be controlled using our mobile phones. What allows us such control are mobile applications developed for various processes and made available to the users using the app stores provided by the mobile phones.
Submitting an application is a process on its own that also costs the user some amount of fee for the availability of the application on the marketplace. So, if you want to know all the steps and the costs required for submitting an application, this article will surely help you out.How To Submit Applications?
Application submission is a step-by-step process that leads to the uploading of the application. There are crucial steps that successfully allow the uploading of the application. Without any further waiting, let’s get to know the steps.
Step 1: Test your application.
Step 2: Check the app size.
Step 3: Get a license for the application.
Step 4: Assign the security certificate.
Step 5: Prepare the listing for the store, which includes.
· Title.
· Descriptions.
· App screenshots.
Step 6: Guidelines.
Using these steps will allow you to submit your application to any store without going through any problems and hassles.
Submitting Of Applications On Any Store
Submitting an application has different criteria as you read all the steps and processes about how to submit the application. The app submission on any store has to go through various procedures before being able to be submitted.
For submitting any application, you must first open the app store and get the subscription to the desired app store. This subscription is recognized as the cost of uploading an app on play store or app store. After this, you will be able to access all of the features and options that are needed for the submission of the desired application.Apple Store App Submission
Apple store is known to be one of the top-quality mobile stores in the world. They have been keeping their store available only to a limited amount of developers. Moreover, they have only allowed a practical application to the users.
Uploading your application on any Apple store, the application has to go through processes that test the overall condition of the application. You must first sign up for the Apple developer program and then list your app. However, you must use a complete description of the application and a screenshot to describe the app completely.
Once you have become a developer of the Apple store, they have fixed a certain amount that is the cost of uploading an app on app store, which the developer has to pay the Apple Company yearly. So, if you are a developer for Apple, you must pay the yearly subscription fee.
Apple has three types of developers account for the submission of an app on the Apple store. All of the accounts vary from each other at a certain point.
1. Individual developer account: This account is mainly used for the development of public-used applications.
2. Enterprise’s account/ business: These accounts are used for the development of apps that are available to employees of an organization.
3. Institution accounts/education: These are the accounts used for the development of apps that are used for educational purposes.
All of the above developer’s accounts have a certain annual fee for the submission of an app other than institution accounts which are totally free to the users.Android Store App Submission
The android store is one of the most dominant app stores available in the market; however, there are different criteria involved in submitting apps. The recent statistics show that there are about 3500 apps uploaded daily on the Google Play store.
These numbers prove the point how an Android play store is an excellent option for uploading applications. The big question is, “how to submit an app on the Google Play store and what’s the cost of uploading an app on play store.” So, we have got you covered there, and it will let you understand the different app pricing and distribution.
For uploading any application on the Google Play store, you have to be clear about which country your app will be visible. Google doesn’t allow any of the applications to be available in all the regions, so they have to be open to some limited regions.
Moreover, the most crucial part is what price you assign to your app; because if you want your app to be free, Google will only allow that decision once and can’t be changed. However, the pricing of the application can be altered whenever needed.
This process can be executed through the option pricing and distribution that is available in the tab menu. After that, you can select whether to set your app to be paid or free. So once you are done with the pricing criteria, you can set the age restriction limit. At last, you have the option to choose whether to allow any ads into your application.
Google has a straightforward policy of pricing for the applications. However, they charge an expensive amount for the subscription policy and transaction fee. They take about 30 percent of the application trade from the user.
As a developer, you must be on a tight budget while working on an application. This allows the developer to think and choose wisely between the different stores and work their way quickly. This budget also includes the cost of uploading an app to various app stores.
Now, you do not have to worry about your budget as we have outlined all the costs of uploading an app. So, you can go and make your application available to the masses.