Taking The Physiological Changes Of Aging Dogs Into Consideration

Looking for senior pet care Kamloops as well as vaccinations? Contact us at Tranquille Road Animal Hospital and we will provide suitable solutions. We believe that pets should age gracefully and we do our best to help you take care of your older dogs in a better way.
Just remember that many physiological changes can occur as your furry friend ages. These changes are as follows:
ü Reduced hearing
ü Changesineyesight
ü Arthritisandmusclemassloss
ü Cognitivedysfunction
ü Cardiacandkidneydisease
However, there are many other changes you can notice but they can be invisible until your dog is too old. Once you deal with our team, we will detect even subtle changes in your senior dog’s body. We believe that early detection can prevent your dog from various diseases and can minimize his suffering.
Schedule Regular Veterinarian Visits For Senior Dogs
A lot of health conditions develop step by step, so changes cannot be noticed by a pet owner immediately. Once you visit us for senior pet care Kamloops, we will provide a wellness exam. Our specialists will ask some questions to you as we know that working together ensures the optimal health condition for your dog. If your dog is senior then we advise you to visit our clinic at least twice a year. We will discuss the well-being of your companion as he ages. We will discuss the following:
ü Daily schedule
ü Behavior
ü Sleep patterns
ü Family interactions
ü Movement changes
ü Nutrition
Moreover, we also pay attention to those things during a full physical examination for aging dogs:
ü Weight and Body Condition
ü SkinandCoatQuality
ü Mouth, GumsandTeeth
ü EarsandEyes
ü ThyroidGland
ü HeartandCirculatorySystem
ü LungsandNose
ü Abdomen
ü JointsandMuscles
ü Bloodwork
ü Any condition changes since the last visit
Body Condition Evaluations For Senior Dogs
We also provide body condition evaluations because we believe it is an essential part of a senior dog care program. In this way, we can determine whether your old dog is overweight, underweight, or at ideal body weight. Note that extra weight is very dangerous as it can bring various health issues for a senior pet. However, any reduction in weight can also be a sign of various illnesses.
Making Good Food Choices for Senior Dogs
The right diet is also very important for your senior dog. Choosing the right food is important for your senior dog care. Aging dogs can consume a lot of food but because of decreased physical activity, they won’t lose those calories. As a result, they will become overweight. As they gain weight, senior dogs can get many complicated health issues as well.
This is why it is vital to talk to our vets so that we will make the best diet plan for your canine companion. We will provide the right senior dog food so it will be easy to digest. We ensure to meet your senior dog’s general nutritional needs!
Dental Care for Senior Dogs
Our senior pet care Kamloops also includes dental care. We aim to diagnose and treat all dental issues so that your pet will live a comfortable life no matter how old he is. Many pet owners don’t pay attention to pet dental care but it is an important part of animal health care. Tooth and gum loss can make animals feel much pain and they can really suffer from this condition. In order to prevent gum diseases and dental issues, it is highly recommended to have your pet’s mouth checked during the wellness exam. Using general anesthesia we will also provide teeth cleanings so that your pet will feel comfortable and safe.
Vaccines for Dogs
We also offer different vaccinations for dogs in Kamloops despite the age of your dog. The right vaccination will certainly help improve your pet’s health and boost his immune system. You are highly recommended to contact us so that we will discuss all the vaccinations with you and get to know the medical history of your senior pet. Tranquille veterinary clinic believes in the highest quality of service and ensures that each animal is worth getting the most suitable vaccination plan as well as compassionate care. Feel free to contact this center to get perfect animal care for your furry friend.
How many exercises Should A Senior Dog Get?
Of course, we understand that your furry companion is not young and cannot jump high or run a lot. However, exercises are needed for his optimum health condition. The right amount of exercise is an important part of any senior dog care regimen. Go for a short walk with your dog and see how well he will feel being outside for some time. Keep up with daily or every other day's walks. Through time you will understand how much time your dog needs to walk. Like humans, dogs can also get many benefits from exercising. Exercise can:
ü Maintain your dog’s healthy body weight
ü Slow down the development of old-age arthritis
ü Improve cognitive capacity
ü Help feel focused
You are always welcome to Tranquille Road Animal Hospital to discuss your senior dog’s condition with us. We ensure to give the most appropriate and effective exercise routine for your four-legged furry friend.
Schedule A Wellness Checkup For Your Senior Dog Today!
We are a committed and enthusiastic team of professional vets, so we look forward to helping your senior dogs. No matter the issue, we are always ready to take care of their needs one by one. Our canine veterinary team loves caring for older dogs and we make sure to provide compassionate care to your lovely companion. We have helped many senior dogs and they lived a long and healthy life. Thus, we will also be here for your senior pet each and every step of the way. Give us a call today and come for a general wellness checkup designed especially for senior dogs!